Located inside aralia health!

I have the privilege of renting my beautiful, cozy space from Aralia Health Clinic. When you arrive, feel free to wait in the lobby area and I will meet you there.

Aralia is one of the few naturopathic practices in Missoula, Montana that accepts most medical insurances and offers income-based sliding scale options for services that are not covered. I am honored to share this space with folks trying to make accessibility a priority.

Aralia is accessible via wheelchair with a portable ramp over the step- up to the front door. Please inform me prior to your appointment if you require the ramp to be in place.

The bathroom has one accessibility bar. The doors to both the bathroom and treatment room are on the smaller side, I will do my best to accommodate all needs you may have.


Please keep in mind that this is a shared space with multiple practitioners working. While on the table you may hear voices and movement from outside the room. I have taken several steps to mitigate the sound, however at times there is still outside noise. Thanks for understanding the beauty and quirks of community wellness!